Apéro Apartment

This renovation of a 99 m2 flat starts from a clear concept. To design a central area that can accommodate family and friends gatherings, as well as pre-dinner meals. For this reason, the development of the proposal takes into account different formal strategies to provide spaciousness to the area. An L-shaped fluid environment is created, with oak wood panelling. This has a continuous bench -more than 5 metres long- that is integrated into the living room and conceals the storage.
Only two textures are used for the covering to unify the central area. In this way, we find the Zénit technology with the matt Gris Nube finish that combines perfectly with the warmth of the wood.

LOCATION              Valladolid
PRODUCT              Gris nube
ARCHITECT              César F. Prados

Designs used

Our designs in Luxe -high gloss-, Zénit -supermatt- and Syncron -textures- allow their application in all types of furniture and interior decoration.


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Apéro Apartment

Valladolid (Spain)

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